Starting a Business
We invite you to meet with us, and to discuss your issues, concerns and questions as you consider opening or purchasing a small business. Some of the issues that we will discuss are:
- Entity choice – Should I be a proprietor, an “LLC”, or an “S corp”?
- The start-up – How profitable will I be in the early years?
- Do I need to incorporate?
- There are certainly tax issues, but are there non-tax issues as well?
- How do I best keep track of records?
- I have a lot of “simple” questions. Who do I ask?
- Registration of your business with various federal, state and local authorities
- Providing you with a tax calendar, complete with all of the dates when some payment or tax form is due to be filed.
- Choice of entity to operate
- Insurance needs
- Bookkeeping and accounting
- Software selection
- Payroll service issues
- Making the necessary accounting and tax elections
We encourage you to meet with us first, and to strategize before you launch your business. We seek to provide you with as much planning and information up front about going into business as possible, so the initial stages of your business can minimize risk, inefficiencies and mistakes that will cost you time, taxes and toil. We believe in the four Ps – Proper Planning Prevents Problems.
Contact us for more information.

visit us
Kamp & Boer, CPA
2433 Ontario Street
Schererville, IN 46375